Before Reality Gays, there was the Dear Mattie Show!
June 16, 2017

Dear Mattie Show 97 Joel Capperella and The Emotions of Business

Dear Mattie Show 97 Joel Capperella and The Emotions of Business

Joel Capperella is maybe one of the kindest people I know. That's why I dig his podcast LEADING MATTERS, so so so very much. And before you think it's another podcast about business and entrepreneurship, Joel's conversations are about, I think, the REAL reasons we don't start our dreams...doubt, fear, etc.

Basically just insert the emotional root of what is holding you back in life, and that's what Joel's about...getting to the heart of you so you can see how it's reflected in your business decisions. This guy is a game changer and I was so happy to speak with him.

Find all things Joel at: http//

Here's my episode on Joel's show: Mattie on Leading Matters

And the show I mentioned about a Mom who is MAKING IT HAPPEN:

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