Before Reality Gays, there was the Dear Mattie Show!
May 4, 2017

Dear Mattie 094 Antonio Whitely and Acupuncture 101...and Wine!

Dear Mattie 094 Antonio Whitely and Acupuncture 101...and Wine!

Acupuncture is not just for people on a mountain finding zen. It's for athletes, Moms, Businessmen...anyone can benefit. Antonio Whitely is my go-to guy for getting poked and he's going to explain ALL things Acupuncture sugars! Get ready for a fun show.  (We might have had some wine, sugars).Find all things Antonio here: 

Find all things Antonio here:

Find an Acupuncturist near you:

And here's the link to Chris Seiter's Ex-Boyfriend Recovery Podcast Episode this week, where he and I are tackling your questions!

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